Monday, December 22, 2008

Sussex County, Delaware Home Sales - as of December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays! Looks like a lot of people will be getting a new house at the beach in Delaware for Hannukah or Christmas this year! There have been 59 new closed transactions in the past week, which is a good sign that the market is still moving and shaking, despite the current economy. Here is a breakdown of what has sold.

Single Family - 1,545 (compared to 1,514 on 12/15)
Condo / Townhome - 611 (compared to 598 on 12/15)
Mobile - 281 (compared to 276 on 12/15)
Multi-Family - 4 (no change)
Lots / Land - 332 (compared to 323 on 12/15)
Farms - 8 (compared to 7 on 12/15)
Commercial - 58 (no change)

The total for closed real estate transactions for 2008 thus far is 2,839. The average list price, as of November 30, 2008, is $369,586, with an average sales price of $343,742. Listings are selling at 93% of list price, and averaging 190 day on the market.

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