Monday, December 8, 2008

Sussex County, Delaware Home Sales - as of December 7, 2008

Real estate in Sussex County, Delaware has not slowed down. The market is moving, at a fairly reasonable pace, too! Local professionals and REALTORS predict we may have indeed hit the bottom of the market. Only time and statistics will tell. Here is a breakdown of what has sold so far this year.

Single Family - 1,493 (compared to 1.462 on 12/1)
Condo / Town Home - 591 (compared to 584 on 12/1)
Mobile - 274 (compared to 269 on 12/1)
Multi - 4 (no change)
Lots / Land - 319 (compared to 312 on 12/1)
Farms - 7 (no change)
Commercial - 57 (compared to 56 on 12/1)

A total of 51 real estate transactions closed in the past week, bringing the total for the year thus far to 2,745. The average list price, as of October 31, 2008*, was $374,225, with an average sales price of $348,199. Homes are selling at 93% of list price and are averaging 190 on the market.

*November stats should be released and available by mid week. If you would like to know those figures immediately, please comment on this post. Otherwise, check back next Monday for the latest figures. Thank you.

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